One of the things I like most about having time off (i.e. no job, no classes) is that every morning when I wake up, I have the opportunity to have a truly peaceful moment, with a cup of coffee, a book or magazine and the window cracked to let in the morning breeze.
I say 'opportunity' because I don't always capitalize on this. Some mornings, I get up, and it's computer open and tv on, and it's noon before I realize I haven't even made myself breakfast. This has gotten to be a very frustrating habit, which does nothing good to set up the rest of my day. I find myself moody and tired by the afternoon and I get very little done. This is a long time habit, as even when I was working I would always have to check gmail, facebook and all my blogs before I did anything else.
Recently, I made a radical move by promising myself that before I touch any type of technology in the morning, I am going to take advantage of having a calm and peaceful morning moment. This means fixing a nice breakfast with my coffee and sitting down with a journal to write at least one thing that I'm grateful for, and what I want to accomplish that day. I think it puts the rest of the day, no matter how stressful or frantic, in such better perspective when you start the day in a state of gratefulness. Imagine how much more fulfilling our days would be if everyone took the time to do this?

top image from here; bottom image from here